Friday, June 12, 2009

Today is Friday, June 12; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in Rock Island, IL

Click for weather report and forecast

View June 12 in a larger map

Today's Menu
Meal 1
Egg wraps & sausage

Meal 2
Fish sandwich
Pasta salad (donated)
Mandarin oranges or fruit cocktail

Meal 3
Connie’s fiesta chicken
Rice pilaf

Meal 4
Jody’s must-go’s

Today's Schedule
8:30 Wake /meal 1
9:30 Stretch
10:00 Visual
1:00 Meal 2
2:00 Sectionals
5:00 Meal 3
6:15 Visual
7:15 Sectionals
8:25 Water & instructions
8:30 Ensemble
10:00 Meal 4 / shower
11:30 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Jody Speer, head cook
Tammy M
Connie C

Peggy F helps

Today's News
Very uneventful trip last night. Nice facilities. Overcast but warm and dry today!

Messages on the board: “Age out forms due today”; “Are you working like a champion?”

And most importantly, the special liquid flavor of the day, dispensed directly from the spigot on the side of the cook truck, makes its triumphant return: “Colts special brown drink.” For those who know, no explanation is necessary…

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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