Monday, June 08, 2009

Today is Monday, June 8; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in Galena, IL

Click for weather report and forecast

View June 8 in a larger map

Today's Menu
Meal 1
Bagels & cream cheese
Fresh fruit

Meal 2
Spaghetti & meat balls
Garlic bread

Meal 3
Egg salad sandwiches
Rice pilaf
Fruit salad

Meal 4
Tater tots

Today's Schedule
7:20 Wake
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Stretch
9:00 Visual
12:30 Meal 2
1:30 nothing listed on the board at the time of this posting
5:00 Meal 3
6:15 Ensemble
7:20 Water / dress
7:30 Dog & pony
8:20 Ensemble
10:00 Eat & shower
11:30 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Jody Speer, head cook
Tammy M
Ashely W
Connie C arrives
Leigh L, Beth D, Derrick and Lyn M, Loras H all help

Today's News
Happy Birthday, Tim K and Precious

Donations: the cook truck could really use some new cereal!! We are being overrun by Honey-Nut Cheerios – anything else would be fantastic!!!

The school staff are absolutely wonderful hosts – whatever the corps needs, they bend over backwards to provide – thank you!!

It stormed hard last night, but today is looking up. Clear sky, a little breeze, and warmer. Time to clean-up the freezer today in preparation for a food drop tomorrow. Mary is on site working with the uniforms – a non-stop task!!

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.


Bill said...

I just returned from a weekend in Galena and need to add one more thank-you.

Rob P, Britt's (age-out '07) Dad decided to come and help with projects. The projects couldn't be defined until Sunday - it is Drum Corps after all.

Between 9 and 5, Rob (with help from Loras H and Luba) made his designs, purchased the needed material, and built a mount for the piccolo xylophone AND 3 crotales cases that were based upon Jim H's prototype. A huge task for two days, but totally awesome for one day.

In addition to David's/Rod's thanks to the school staff, I want to add that without the assistance of the school staff it would have been almost impossible to complete these projects.

If you go to the dog and pony tonight, let the Galena cutodians know how much they are appreciated!

Anonymous said...

I graciously thank you for your daily blogs and updates! It is great to check daily and see all that is happening.