We are in Dublin, OH
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View june 24 in a larger map
Today's Menu
Meal 1
Meal 2
Corn dogs and chips at stadium
Meal 3
Fried rice
Egg rolls
Pistachio salad
Meal 4
Butt chops
Rhubarb dump cake
Today's Schedule
7:30 Wake/eat
8:20 Depart for rehearsal at stadium
8:45 Stretch
9:15 Sectionals
12:30 Meal 2 at stadium
1:30 Vis
5 Meal 3 at stadium
6 Warmup
6:30 Ensemble
8:30 Return to housing
9 Eat/pack/clean/load
11 Depart for Toledo
Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Dale C
Luba S
Donna Y
Judy H
Bill M
Lisa M
Beth M
Bill S drives
Today's News
The cooks are asking for donations of fresh fruit. Any kind of fresh fruit would be appreciated so the cooks don't have to buy it on the road. Friday in Normal or Saturday in Dubuque would be perfect drop-off times.
The report from the road is that "everything is going pretty cool." They report that last night's show had lots of energy and drive.
The sun's out but not too hot. "At least when you're in the sun, you're not dying."
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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