Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It's Wednesday, June 1; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Platteville, WI


Colts couture
Not a shot from tour, but from Sunday's concert in the park. 2005 Colts. Postcards From Home. Sounds great, doesn't it?

Weather report and forecast for Platteville

Click for Google map of Platteville. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu
(there's always peanut butter and jelly)

English muffins

Butt chops
Pasta salad
Sliced peaches

Southwestern beef and rice
Cabbage-cauliflower salad
Veggies and dip
Lime jell-o

Cinnamon streusel coffee cake

Today's Schedule

8 Breakfast
9 Stretch and run
9:45 Percussion visual; brass sectionals; guard dance
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Brass vis; percussion sectionals; guard sectionals
5 Dinner
6 Warmup
6:45 Ensemble
8:30 Sectionals
10 Brass and percussion inside vis; guard dance
11 Snack
12 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Polly H.
Jody S.
Jane W.
Jim H.

Today's News

Great weather.

The cooktruck got new whiteboards because you no longer could erase the old ones. Hmmm -- the board nazi will have to be even more vigilant.

We had 'ridiculously good' vegetable beef soup last night. The brownies rocked their world.

The brass line is learning ballet. All kinds of exercises.

"We are having a great tour!"

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.


Rod said...
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Rod said...

'Glad to hear about the new white boards. While our intense cleaning of them on Sunday with a combination of WD-40, Lysol, and Rubbing Alcohol got the job done, I had a feeling it was their last chance!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Now that there are menus, schedules, and weather posted on this blog I KNOW it is summer! As the Board Nazi, I'm interested to hear there are new white boards. Obviously I can't police the board when I'm not there, but I'm glad to learn that Rod and others know my cleaning tricks.

In other news, on May 26 Jack Borland was featured on the interview. He says "Best thing about being in a drum corps: The camaraderie. I've only been with the Colts for three months, and I can't describe to you the family atmosphere that I already feel a part of. And also, the food. You rock, Colts cooks!"

- Jim J