We are in Delhi, IA
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Today's Menu
Meal 1
Meal 2
Brats or hot dogs
Pasta salad
Meal 3
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Green beans
Meal 4
Breaded pork sandwich
Mac and cheese
Today's Schedule
7 Wake
7:10 Stretch
7:40 Meal 1
8:40 Sectionals
12:30 Meal 2
1:30 Vis (tentative)
5 Meal 3
6 Warmup
6:30 Music ensemble
7 Ensemble
9:45 Stretch/warmdown
10 Meal 4
11 Lights out
Today's Cooks
Lori C, head cook
Patty T
Debbie L
Betty H
Loras H
Dan L
Peggy F
Dale C
Penny D
Today's News
Bill and Luba left this morning. Thanks, Luba, for a great first week!
It's a beautiful day in Delhi. Keep sending the good weather their way! A storm system seemed to be gathering steam last night but it skirted Delhi, mainly staying north of U.S. 20. Some sprinkles around and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees, but that was all.
Music ensemble was at the top of the hill near the school last night. Reports are that they gave the neighborhood quite a concert. Especially the people who live right across the street from where the corps set up the standstill....
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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