Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today is Thursday, June 19; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in South Beloit, IL

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Today's Menu

Meal 2
Turkey or Ham pasta salad
Cheesy biscuits

Meal 3
Pistachio salad
Chow mein/rice
Veggies and dip
Fortune cookies

Meal 4
Sub sandwiches

Photo by David S.

Today's Schedule
7 Wake
7:10 Stretch
7:40 Breakfast
8:30 Sectionals
12 Meal 2
1 Vis/full corps
5 Meal 3
6 Warmup
6:30 Ensemble
8:45 Warmdown/stretch
9 Meal 4
10:15 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Lorrie M.
Becky K
Lisa M
Bill M
Luba S
Bill S

Today's News
Brock and Debbie surprised Carol L with cake for her birthday last night and hung around for a while. Judy and Tom H also visited, and Judy helped in the kitchen truck. Thanks to all the visitors.

We had a couple of offers of fruit donations yesterday and thanks for them. Keep in mind that fresh fruit and veg are a constant need throughout the summer. We're feeding about 200 people a day (counting a full corps, staff, drivers, and volunteers) so plan accordingly.

The staff did a mouthpiece boil and water bottle wash last night. The staff took care of the whole thing so the cooks could concentrate on, well, cooking. Cleaning is good for health.

Overall, everything's going well with the corps and the volunteer operation. A handful of people showed up Wednesday to watch the corps work out and there were about 15 yesterday. So the interest in South Beloit is growing and they expect even more people tonight for ensemble.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

1 comment :

Betty said...

Cooks/Parents/Volunteers. I hope you guys know how valuable and wonderful you are. I called yesterday with a concern and you were right on it. I know my our kids health and well being is in your best interest, you put a worrying mother's mind to ease. You guys are SAINTS! Thank You! Thank You!!!!