Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today is Tuesday, June 17; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in South Beloit, IL

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Today's Menu
Bagels and cream cheese

Meal 2
Chicken nuggets
Mac & cheese
Fruit cocktail

Meal 3
Marmalade ham
Mandarin salad
Au gratin potatoes
Peas & carrots

Meal 4

Photo by David S.

Today's Schedule
7:50 Wake
8 Breakfast
9 Laundry
1 Meal 2
2 Vis
3:45 Sectionals
5:30 Meal 3
6:30 Warmup
7 Ensemble
8:45 Meal 4
10 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Lisa M
Bill M
Luba S
Bill S

Today's News
Happy Birthday, Jess D!

The Colts got into South Beloit about 1:30 a.m., a little late but nothing major. And for all you regular Virtual Cooktruck readers, that really does mean nothing major.

It's a beautiful day in South Beloit. The corps is really starting to point toward that first show on Saturday now. The Goal for Today posted on the cooktruck this morning was: "Clean and refine Night & Day."

The cooks are parked so they look out on the school's baseball field. But there is no game, so they are safe from foul balls. (Insert you own joke here.)

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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