Sunday, June 08, 2008

Today is Sunday, June 8; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in Lancaster, WI

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Today's Menu
Biscuit and gravy
Mixed fruit

Meal 2
Carole's homemade lasagna
Lettuce salad
Garlic toast or breadsticks
Brownies and leftover birthday cake

Meal 3
TBD (Meal 3 and Meal 4 menus depend on what's left in the fridge. Cooks are trying to clean out leftovers before the food drop on Monday.)

Meal 4

Photo by Rod R.

Today's Schedule
8:35 Wake
8:45 Breakfast
1 Meal 2
6 Meal 3
9:45 Meal 4
11 Lights out
(The rest of the schedule was dependent on the weather. Most of the day was probably being spent in sectionals and ensemble work inside the Lancaster school. See news below)

Today's Cooks
Carole B, head cook
Kay T
Dale L
John B
Cindy S
Patty T
Margo W
Sue L
Ryan L

Today's News
Happy Birthday, ! (no, not Kendall's birthday today. I got it wrong. It's June 9. Bad blogger. Bad)

It's been raining since the corps left Dubuque last night. (No, not absolutely constantly. It wasn't raining when the cooks went out to start breakfast this morning, but it was absolutely pouring by the time the cooks carried the biscuits and gravy inside to serve.)

The corps was "spread out all over the school" this morning, using a couple of gyms, the band room, and lots of other rooms for rehearsals. Looks like they'll be there most of the day. Enough with the rainin', already.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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