We are in Stillwater, MN
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Today's Menu
Cheese/egg wrap
Meal 2
Mustgo snack
Meal 3
Provided and delivered by Minnesota Brass, Inc.
Meal 4
Vegetable beef stew
Bakery rolls
Photo by David S.
Today's Schedule
9:00 Wake
9:10 Stretch
9:40 Breakfast
10:30 Visual
11:30 Sectionals
12:30-1:00 Percussion snack
12:45-1:15 Brass snack
1:00-1:30 Guard snack
1:00 Sectionals; percussion on field
2:00 Ensemble
3:45 Eat, pack & load
5:25 Depart for show
5:55 Arrive
7:57 Gate
8:07 Performance
8:45 Dinner with Cadets
11:00 Depart
Today's Cooks
Peg L, head cook
Lisa P
Terry L
Lorrie M
Jody G
Bill S
Luba S
Today's News
Peg is the new head cook beginning today. Thanks Jody, for all of your hard work as head cook! What would we do without you?
Last night's show was wonderful. We're off to a good start! We arrived very close to on-time this morning, just after 6:00 am. The school is a very nice facility and the band director brought Caribou Coffee for the cooks. The Colts have a new souvenir truck and it's out on the road now.
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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