Saturday, July 10, 2004

Any update will be late

Hi all.

I'm out and away from the computer in Chicago today so any updates won't come 'til late. If anyone else hears news, share with everyone by posting a comment to this message.

I'll check when we're back tonight!



Anonymous said...

Kids got to Kalamazoo last night and were looking forward to a "solid eight on the floor." Could hear them on the phone and they sounded pumped.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from doing the grocery shopping for the kitchen truck today. If I had known I would have written down their schedule. From what I remember lunch is at 11 am, dinner at 3pm. Pack and load after that. I bought cole slaw and assorted vegetables, soda and ice cream. Sounds like a gross combination but I really don't think they will be served together! The ice cream soda's may be after the show. Luba went with me, she said it was nice to have 7 - 8 hours of down time but it was rather warm and humid in the school. They had to sleep in the hallways. Looks like another beautiful day, hoping the rain holds off until after they depart. Thye had a great run through last night and were pumped!