Saturday, July 31, 2004

Schedule & Cooks

Times listed below in Indianapolis is the same as Central Daylight Time because Indy does not go to daylight savings.

6:00 Wake and eat cereal
6:30 Warm up
7:20 Run thru
7:45 Breakfast, pack and load
9:15 Leave for show site
11:00 Arrive at show site
1:08 Step off
2:00 Snack
4:43 Drum Major only retreat
5:00 Dinner

Charlotte Wolff, Olaf Nahon
David Speer, Jim Johnson
Dan Knopoff, Marie Reidelbach
Carol Osborne, David Arns

Jim Johnson and David Arns leave after the show tonight. Thanks for your time caring and feeding the Colts!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hello from Indi....

What a show they put on this afternoon!!!! The Colts lit up the RCA Dome with an awesome performance. The sound was bouncing off the walls...but it didn't faze them in the least. Most of the kids felt is was one of their best performances.

We got to visit after the show with our son and hear the frontline ensemble piece. COOL! It amazes me that they have time to put together music other than what they do on the field. After dinner out we got to visit many old friends at the cooktruck and wave goodbye as they left at 6:45 to get to Newton, IA. It was a sunny day today after a rainy Friday in Kokomo...they even had hot chocolate last night and some miracle honey/tea drink that Olaf (cook from Holland) made for those who weren't feeling so well. These kids are being well cared for. Papa John's pizza was the supper treat tonight with salad and cake. Needless to say, there wasn't much pizza left.

The score may not have said how good they performed today......but only good things will be happening this next week...

So, as we leave to go to the evening performance...the Colts will be having some much needed rest on the bus and actually see some of America by light of day.

Will write in from Denver.....

The Glowaski's (Jody and Tom)