Saturday, July 24, 2004


A lot of the members thought they had their best show yet last night.  The staff seemed to agree and praised the Corps.  Great job Colts - keep up the progress!  On to Indy.
The Colts arrived at about 6:40.  The kids got an hour down time.
8:00    Wake
8:15    Calisthenics
8:45    Breakfast (French toast, bananas, cereal, PB & J)
9:45    Warm up
10:45  Ensemble
11:45  Run thru
12:00  Lunch, pack and load
1:30    Leave for Washington, D.C. - free time until 11:30
Marlin Rowland   Olaf Nahon
Jody Glowaski    David Speer
Shari Holdforth   Jim Johnson
Jim Rowland      Charlotte Wolff
Dan Knopoff

  • Dan and Charlotte were finally able to get out of Chicago, and arrived yesterday.
  • Shari is leaving the tour this afternoon.  Thanks for all of your hard work!!
  • Marie Reidelbach and Carol Osborne arrive today to start tour.

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