Friday, July 23, 2004


6:45    Wake up
7:00    Calisthenics
7:30    Breakfast (Coffee cake, sausage patty, PB & J)
8:30    Visual
11:30  Lunch (Ravioli, salad, Italian breadsticks, Little Debbie cakes, PB & J)
12:15  Sectionals
1:30    Ensemble
3:25    Run thru
3:45    Dinner, pack and load (chicken, rice, creamed corn, rolls, cherry crisp or upside down pineapple cake, PB & J)
5:30    Depart for show
8:25    Step off
After show  Snack and Mail (pizza)
Marlin Rowland   Olaf Nahon
Jody Glowaski    David Speer
Shari Holdforth   Jim Johnson
Jim Rowland
Charlotte Wolff and Dan Knopoff were scheduled to arrive last night from Chicago to join the tour as cooks.  Their flight was cancelled, so they will be arriving sometime today.
Even though the kids were tired from a full day of rehearsal, the new parts of Old Man River and the changes to the closer were performed with enthusiasm during last nights run thru.  They need to be cleaned, but it sounds like they will be in tonight's show.  The cooks think Old Man River will really be a crowd pleaser and are very impressed with the closer.

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