We are in South Beloit, IL
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Today's Menu
Meal 2
Pork fritters or chicken
Madarin salad
Meal 3
Baked ziti
Garlic French bread
Fruit cup
Meal 4
Chicken nugget wraps
Cottage cheese
Photo by David S.
Today's Schedule
7 Wake
7:10 Stretch
7:40 Breakfast
8:30 Sectionals/guard on the main field
12:30 Meal 2
1:30 Vis/full corps
5 Meal 3
6 Warmup
6:30 Ensemble
8:45 Warmdown
9 Meal 4
10:15 Lights out
Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Becky K
Lisa M
Bill M
Luba S
Bill S
Today's News
Happy Birthday, Carol L! (She's getting a surprise for her birthday. Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell)
We interrupt our broadcast for a message from the cooks: DONATE FRESH FRUIT. We've have very few donations of fresh fruit this season and a nice apple, peach, banana, or a slice of watermelon would be greatly appreciated by the Colts. (We now return you to your regular programming)
The food drop is today instead of Thursday. The truck was delayed by construction, high water, and detours but pulled in while I was talking to Bill and Jody on the phone. I reminded Bill to wear his gloves while packing the freezer.
Speaking of high water, Bill says even though the river at Beloit was forecast to rise 4 to 6 inches today, the corps is well away from it and are not in any danger of having to move or anything because of flooding. "Not a problem. Not at all," Bill says.
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
Hey all! I will be coming to the Rockford Show and can make it up there (South Beliot) no later than noon. What type and how much fruit do you want and I will see what I can do. Will that help?
Hi. We are coming to Beloit on Friday evening. We plan to bring 25-30 pounds of grapes, but could bring something else if you would prefer it. We also plan to bring fruit (what kind would you like?) and home made cookies to Chilicothe or Normal, depending on what works for the cooks. (Coffmans and Lawsons)
I called the cooktruck this afternoon and told them to expect 25-30 pounds of grapes and they were so pleased!
Amy, they said apples or bananas would be good too. They are easy to transport and the kids can just grab one and eat it on the fly.
But really, any kind of fruit and all donations are greatly, greatly appreciated.
I will be using Strawberries, Blueberries, Kiwi, grapes in some of my menu items this coming week. So any and all Fruits would be nice. Also Fresh Veggies, Carrots, Broccoli, cauliflour, Celery. Its always nice to have fresh items. Thank you so much in advance.
Peg L.
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